ATCP 78.27(4)(f)3. 3. Administered by a parent or legal guardian who is serving as camp staff pursuant to par. (d) 3. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5) (5)Health and treatment records.
ATCP 78.27(5)(a) (a) Health history records. A camp's health services supervisor shall keep available, the health history required pursuant to sub. (1) (d) and (e), for each camper and staff member. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5)(b) (b) Medication and treatment log. When a medication is administered or treatment provided to a camper or staff member, health services staff shall, as soon as possible, make a record of the action using any one of the following:
ATCP 78.27(5)(b)1. 1. In a bound book with preprinted page numbers. P
ATCP 78.27(5)(b)2. 2. By electronic entry into a software program that documents each change to the health record and that does not allow previous changes to the health record to be edited or deleted. P
ATCP 78.27(5)(b)3. 3. By making an electronic medication administration record, printed with the date and time stamp, from a health software program pursuant to subd. 2., to be used for manual recording with a signature on the form of the individual making entries. P
ATCP 78.27(5)(c) (c) Medication and treatment record requirements. The record shall indicate all of the following information:
ATCP 78.27(5)(c)1. 1. Legal name of the person receiving the medication or treatment. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5)(c)2. 2. Ailment. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5)(c)3. 3. Name of the medication or treatment. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5)(c)4. 4. Quantity given. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5)(c)5. 5. Date and time administered. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5)(c)6. 6. Initials of the person administering the medication or providing treatment. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5)(c)7. 7. Comments.
ATCP 78.27(5)(d) (d) Medication and treatment record storage.
ATCP 78.27(5)(d)1.1. The logging of medication and other treatment administered shall support accurate medication and treatment administration in a clear, complete and organized manner. Pf
ATCP 78.27(5)(d)2. 2. Health history and treatment records shall be accessible, upon request, to the department or its agent.
ATCP 78.27(5)(e) (e) Record retention. The camp shall retain health history and treatment records for at least 3 calendar years.
ATCP 78.27(5)(f) (f) Rental group health history, medication and treatment records.
ATCP 78.27(5)(f)1.1. The rental group using a camp's facilities and providing their own health services staff shall maintain the health histories and treatment records for their campers and staff. P
ATCP 78.27(5)(f)2. 2. The health history and treatment records shall be accessible, upon request from the department or its agent.
ATCP 78.27(5)(g) (g) Rental group record retention.
ATCP 78.27(5)(g)1.1. The rental group, if providing health supervision, shall maintain all camper health histories, medication and treatment records for a minimum of 3 calendar years and make the records available upon request to the department or agent within 2 business days of the request.
ATCP 78.27(5)(g)2. 2. The rental group shall keep a register and a method of tracking individuals entering and leaving the camp during operation, pursuant to s. ATCP 78.28, and make the register and tracking document available upon request to the department or agent within 2 business days of the request.
ATCP 78.27 History History: CR 21-109: cr. Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 9-24-23; correction in (1) (d) 1. d., (e) 1. (intro.), (2) (b) 4., 5., Table 78.27, (4) (d) 2., (e), (5) (a) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2023 No. 810.
ATCP 78.28 ATCP 78.28 Camp register.
ATCP 78.28(1)(1)Requirements. A camp shall maintain a written or electronic camp register with all of the following information for each camper and staff member :
ATCP 78.28(1)(a) (a) Legal name. Pf
ATCP 78.28(1)(b) (b) Home address. Pf
ATCP 78.28(1)(c) (c) Phone number. Pf
ATCP 78.28(1)(d) (d) Email address. Pf
ATCP 78.28(1)(e) (e) The name, phone number and email of persons to notify in case of an emergency. Pf
ATCP 78.28(2) (2)Rental group camp register requirements.
ATCP 78.28(2)(a) (a) Rental group contact information. Each rental group shall provide the contact information for their authorized representative to the licensed camp operator that includes all of the following:
ATCP 78.28(2)(a)1. 1. The name of the authorized representative. Pf
ATCP 78.28(2)(a)2. 2. Phone number. Pf
ATCP 78.28(2)(a)3. 3. Email address. Pf
ATCP 78.28(2)(a)4. 4. Home address. Pf
ATCP 78.28(2)(b) (b) Register responsibility. Each rental group shall be responsible for maintaining a camp register as required pursuant to sub. (1). Pf
ATCP 78.28(3) (3)Camp register retention. The camp register shall be retained for a minimum of 3 years.
ATCP 78.28 History History: CR 21-109: cr. Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 9-24-23.
ATCP 78.29 ATCP 78.29D eath, injury or illness reports. The camp shall report incidents resulting in serious injury, illness or death where an emergency medical service response is required, by the end of the next working day following the incident by phone or email to the department or its agent. Pf
ATCP 78.29 Note Note: Report deaths, injuries, or illnesses to the bureau of food and recreational businesses by calling (608) 224-4682 or email or if licensed by an agent, by contacting your agent health department.
ATCP 78.29 History History: CR 21-109: cr. Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 9-24-23.
ATCP 78.30 ATCP 78.30 Playground equipment.
ATCP 78.30(1)(1)Installed and maintained in good repair. Playground equipment shall be:
ATCP 78.30(1)(a) (a) Installed. Installed to manufacturer's directions. Pf
ATCP 78.30(1)(b) (b) Maintained. Shall be maintained in good repair.
ATCP 78.30(2) (2)Entanglement and impalement.
ATCP 78.30(2)(a) (a) Hazards. Playground equipment shall be free of the following hazards:
ATCP 78.30(2)(a)1. 1. Open “S” hooks. P
ATCP 78.30(2)(a)2. 2. Bolt ends protruding more than 2 threads beyond the end of the nut. P
ATCP 78.30(2)(a)3. 3. Sharp points or edges. P
ATCP 78.30(3) (3)Trip and fall hazards.
ATCP 78.30(3)(a) (a) Exposed footing. Concrete footings shall not be exposed above ground level. P
ATCP 78.30(3)(b) (b) Protective surfacing. Fall hazards shall be minimized by providing protective surfacing material, including wood chips, pea gravel, sand or a unitary surface. Pf
ATCP 78.30 History History: CR 21-109: cr. Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 9-24-23.
ATCP 78.31 ATCP 78.31 Petting zoo and other animal education interactions.
ATCP 78.31(1)(1)Hand hygiene. The camp operator shall provide any of the following:
ATCP 78.31(1)(a) (a) Hand washing station. If the camp includes a petting zoo or other animal interaction for campers, the operator shall provide a hand washing station with running water, soap, and single-use toweling in close proximity to encourage hand washing after handling animals. Pf
ATCP 78.31(1)(b) (b) Hand sanitizing station. If soap and water are not available, a hand sanitizing station using an alcohol based sanitizer containing at least 60 percent ethanol shall be provided.Pf
ATCP 78.31(2) (2)Supervision. Camp staff shall ensure that campers are washing their hands or using hand sanitizer after handling animals or being in their environment. Pf
ATCP 78.31 Note Note: Direct contact with species known to serve as reservoirs for rabies virus (e.g., bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes) is not recommended. If the camp will provide a petting zoo or animals for interactive display or educational programming, it is recommended the operator minimize risk of zoonotic disease transmission to participants and staff by designing and operating the display in accordance with the recommendations in the most current National Association of Public Health Veterinarians Compendium of Measures to Prevent Disease Associated with Animals in Public Settings.
ATCP 78.31 History History: CR 21-109: cr. Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 9-24-23.
ATCP 78.32 ATCP 78.32 Primitive camping trips.
ATCP 78.32(1)(1)General. The operator of a camp shall maintain each primitive camp area in a safe and clean manner conducive to public health.
ATCP 78.32 Note Note: An itinerary shall be filed or arrangement shall be made with the national forest service office if such land is used by the primitive camping trip. The camp director should familiarize the staff and campers with rules governing such property.
ATCP 78.32(2) (2)Trip documentation and emergency information. The trip leader shall be provided with all of the following health information and resources:
ATCP 78.32(2)(a) (a) Health histories. A description of any individual camper specific health conditions. Pf
ATCP 78.32(2)(b) (b) Medication and treatment record. Any one of the following methods shall be used for the documentation of medical treatment and medication administration provided to campers while off premises of the licensed camp: Pf
ATCP 78.32(2)(b)1. 1. Documentation pursuant to s. ATCP 78.27 (b) and (c). Pf
ATCP 78.32(2)(b)2. 2. Alternative documentation method:
ATCP 78.32(2)(b)2.a. a. Required information pursuant to s. ATCP 78.27 (c).Pf
ATCP 78.32(2)(b)2.b. b. Maintain documentation of medical treatment including medications administered to campers while away from camp and submitted to the camp health services supervisor by the trip leader upon return to camp. Pf
ATCP 78.32(2)(b)2.c. c. Documentation from this record shall be transferred to the camps medication and treatment log and be made available for review by the department or its agent upon request. Pf
ATCP 78.32(2)(b)2.d. d. The original primitive camping medication and treatment documentation shall be kept by the camp health services supervisor and be made available for review by the department or its agent upon request. Pf
ATCP 78.32(2)(c) (c) First aid. A fully stocked first aid kit. P
ATCP 78.32(2)(d) (d) Communication. Reliable means of communication to summon emergency help and communicate with the camp health supervisor.P
ATCP 78.32(3) (3)Trip staffing. Camper to staff ratios shall follow the requirements pursuant to ss. ATCP 78.25 and 78.27 (2) (d). P
ATCP 78.32(4) (4)Water supply.
ATCP 78.32(4)(a)(a) Water provided by the camp. Drinking water taken on primitive camping trips away from camp shall meet all of the following:
ATCP 78.32(4)(a)1. 1. Except as specified pursuant to par. (b), taken from a potable water source.P
ATCP 78.32(4)(a)2. 2. Transported and stored in clean, sanitized containers.P
ATCP 78.32(4)(b) (b) Alternative water sources. Where it is not practical to transport drinking water, drinking water treatment purification methods shall be provided. Water shall be visibly clear and free from debris, foam, blue-green algal blooms or scum, trash and organic matter. P
ATCP 78.32(4)(b)1. 1. Water shall be treated using one or more of the following methods:
ATCP 78.32(4)(b)1.a. a. Brought to a rolling boil for a minimum of one minute. P
ATCP 78.32(4)(b)1.b. b. Treated water with a purifier meeting National Sanitation Foundation standard P231 or P248. The filter pore size shall be 0.02 microns or less.P
ATCP 78.32(4)(b)1.c. c. Filtered using a filter with an absolute pore size not greater than 0.3 micron pursuant to National Sanitation Foundation Standard 53 or 58 and disinfected with a chemical product labeled for the treatment of drinking water. P
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.